我正在尝试为沿路径的 svg 线的起点设定影片,同时将线的终点保持在静态点。
我认为说明我的问题的最好方法是使用下面的 gif。左边是我到目前为止所做的作业。每个弧都是一个 svg 路径,使用简单的 css 进行影片处理rotate()
右边是我想要实作的 - 一条x1 and y1
与旋转弧一起移动的线,同时将其保持x2 and y2
在 svg 方面我还不太熟练,所以如果我可以对标记进行任何改进以帮助实作我的目标,那对我来说很好。
const SingleMessage: React.FC<{ index: number, text: string[], fairy: fairyNames, lines: number, prevWidth: number }> = ({ prevWidth, index, text, lines, fairy }) => {
// Width of the message arc - base 11 14 for each line of text
const width = 11 14 * lines;
// Radius of the arc from 0,0 - offset by prevWidth
const radius = 205.5 prevWidth width / 2;
// Calculate the d of the path according to the variables above
const arc = describeArc(0, 0, radius, 89, 180 - ((width) / 2) / radius / (Math.PI / 180));
// Start coordinates of the path (arc) that are used as coordinates for the circle at the start of the arc
const arcStart = arc.split(' ').slice(1, 3);
// Colors for each path
const fairyGradient = fairyColors.get(fairy)?.gradient;
// Ref to the whole svg group in order to animate it using rotate()
const messagesRef = useRef<SVGGElement>(null);
// Rotate the path to 0 on mount (starts at -100deg)
useEffect(() => {
if (messagesRef.current)
messagesRef.current.style.transform = "rotate(0)";
}, [messagesRef.current])
return (
// Rotate the whole group by 100deg in order to initially hide it
<g className="-rotate-[100deg] transition-transform duration-500" ref={messagesRef}>
{/* Gradient along the path */}
<linearGradient id={`gradient${index}`}>
<stop offset="0%" stopColor={fairyGradient?.[0]} />
<stop offset="100%" stopColor={fairyGradient?.[1]} />
{/* Arc container of the message */}
<path id={`msg${index}`} d={arc} fill="none" stroke="#fff" strokeWidth={width} strokeLinecap="round" className="drop-shadow-[4px_4px_0_rgba(0,0,0,0.25)]" />
{/* Border around the arc */}
<path d={arc} stroke={`url(#gradient${index})`} strokeWidth={width - 4} strokeLinecap="round" fill='none' />
{/* Circle at the sart of the message */}
<circle cx={arcStart[0]} cy={arcStart[1]} r={width / 2 - 1} fill={`url(#gradient${index})`} stroke="#fff" strokeWidth="2" />
{/* Text inside the message */}
<text color="#446688" fontSize="12px" fontFamily="'Kiwi Maru'" className="text-outline-light">
<textPath startOffset={width / 2 - 1 5} href={`#msg${index}`}>
<tspan x="0" alignmentBaseline={lines > 1 ? "before-edge" : "central"} dy={lines > 1 ? -(width / 2) 4 : -1} >{text[0]}</tspan>
{text.length > 1 && text.slice(1).map((v, i) => <tspan key={index.toString() i} x="0" alignmentBaseline="before-edge" dy="1em">{v}</tspan>)}
按照 Paul 的建议,我继续阅读requestAnimationFrame()
并创建了一个钩子来执行影片而不是使用 css 转换。
我从CSS Tricks和MDN获得了我需要的信息。
export const useAnimationFrame = (duration: number, delay: number, callback: (deltaTime: number) => void) => {
// Request ID from requestAnimationFrame()
const requestRef = useRef<number>();
// Start Time of the animation
const startTimeRef = useRef<number>();
// Time of the previous animationframe
const previousTimeRef = useRef<number>(0);
// animate() is called recursivly until the duration is over
const animate = (time: number) => {
// Set the start time...
if (startTimeRef.current === undefined) {
startTimeRef.current = time;
// ...to calculate the elapsed time
const elapsed = time - startTimeRef.current;
// Do the animation if we have a new frame
if (previousTimeRef.current !== time) {
// Only recurse if we still haven't reached the duration of the animation
if (elapsed < duration) {
previousTimeRef.current = time;
requestRef.current = requestAnimationFrame(animate);
// Start the animation
useEffect(() => {
// Add a delay if necessary
const timeout = setTimeout(() => requestRef.current = requestAnimationFrame(animate), delay);
// Cleanup
return () => {
requestRef.current && cancelAnimationFrame(requestRef.current)
}, []);
// End coordinates of the line connecting the start of the arc with the fairy icon
const [[x, y], setXY] = useState([radius.toString(), "0"]);
// Current rotation of the arc
const [rotation, setRotation] = useState(-90);
// Animation for the rotation of the arc
useAnimationFrame(animationDuration, index < 5 ? index * 500 : 0, elapsed => {
// Set the current rotation of the arc
const currRotation = Math.min(0, elapsed * 90 / animationDuration - 90);
// For all messages after the five predefined, animate the line together with the arc
if (index >= 5) {
const currEndAngle = Math.min(endAngle, elapsed * 90 / animationDuration 90);
const circlePos = describeArc(0, 0, radius, 90, currEndAngle).split(' ');
setXY([circlePos[1], circlePos[2]]);
return (
{index >= 5 && <line stroke='#fff' strokeWidth="3" x1="200" y1="550" x2={x} y2={y} />}
{/* Rotate the whole group by 90deg in order to initially hide it */}
<g className="-rotate-90" style={{ transform: `rotate(${rotation}deg)` }}>
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